

“Visualizing Applause in the PennSound Archive,” Tanya E. Clement and Stephen McLaughlin. “Clipping” commentary series, Jacket2. October 18, 2015. Link.

Puniverse. Gauss PDF, January 2014. Link.
A set of 320,000 computer-generated puns, published at Gauss-PDF.com and as a set of 57 print-on-demand volumes.

Issue 1. Principal Hand Editions, 2008. Edited by Stephen McLaughlin and Jim Carpenter. Link.
Mock anthology of computer-generated poems.

“The Selfish Genre.” The Volta: Evening Will Come, Issue 41. May 2014. Link.
Informal essay on genre boundaries in conceptual poetry.

“A Few Dozen Copies of a Bland Pop Album That Will Soon Cease to Exist.” The Unexpected Guest: Art, writing and thinking on hospitality. Edited by Sally Tallant and Paul Domela with Kenneth Goldsmith for the Liverpool Biennial. ART/BOOKS, 2012. Link.

@twoemoji Twitter bot. December 2014–Present. Link.

“Markov Dick.” LUMA Westbau, Zürich, Switzerland. 2014. Link.
Text and gallery installation

“Run For Your Life: The Complete Beatles in One Hour,” October 2007. Link.
All Beatles albums played at 800% speed, played in its entirety on Kenny Goldsmith’s show on WFMU.

Group Publications

Language for the Common Landfill. Edited by Ryan McCartney and Timothy Belknap. 2012. Link.

Attention Span 2012. Edited by Steve Evans. ThirdFactory.net, 2012. Link.

Excerpt from Issue 1Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing. Edited by Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith. Northwestern University Press, 2011. Link.

“Major American Poets.” EOAGH No. 6: Peripheral Writing. Edited by Tan Lin. 2011. Link.

Sheaf Magazine. Edited by Stephen McLaughlin. Principal Hand Editions, 2010. Link.

Blurb by Tan Lin. Edited by Matthew Abess, Patrick Lovelace, Stephen McLaughlin, and Danny Snelson. Edit Publications, 2010. Link.

26 Alphabets (for Sol LeWitt). Edited by Derek Beaulieu. No. Press, 2009. Link.

Cover Without a Record. Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, 2008. Link.

Rodney Graham: She Stood Up for Herself. Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, 2006. Link.