First Post: Salutations from Texas

Hey friends, welcome to my new blog at I plan to use this space to collect recent work toward my PhD in Information Studies, including notes on resources I’ve found helpful and perhaps draft snippets from things I hope to publish. In choosing to share my incremental progress, I’m taking leaves from Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s well-known open peer review approach and Janneke Adema’s use of her blog to develop texts and ideas on the way to the ‘final’ work. Both Fitzpatrick and Adema have called for more open and experimental forms of academic research.

Comments are enabled, by the way, so please do respond if something strikes you. You can create an account here. Later today I’ll be posting a collection of legal documents from the ongoing Elsevier Inc. et al. v. Sci-Hub et al. case, followed by a brief bibliography of responses to the lawsuit in blogs and the media.


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